Well, hell, I have been moving slow on my documentary about "THE BLACK ALBUM." But it is coming.
Being both boss and employee, I am spread a little thin these days.
As I said before, it will be made as part of the "MIDNITE REVIEW" documentary series, produced by myself and my partner Beauregard Freidkin, who will also serve as documentary narrator. He's a little camera shy, so I don't know if we'll actually get him in front of the screen.
I'm almost finished pre-production. Aside from that, I only need one more camera lens, a headset, and a sun hood for my camera... then we're off and running.
This weekend I helped a friend shoot something of his. I forgot how much I love production. I love writing, but to me writing seems like one piece of the equation. Since I always see my writing visually in my head, shooting is the next logical step in the process.
I can't wait to get back out in the field. True it's not a movie (yet), but it should do for now.
Images courtesy of "THE BLACK ALBUM,"
the scariest movie you'll never see.
the scariest movie you'll never see.