Saturday, May 10, 2014


Five years ago, a filmmaker set out to make a movie. This was his timeline:
August 3rd
Been racking my brain for weeks,trying to think of the right concept for a horror film. Yes, I finally decided that I want to do a horror film. Sharlene, my significant other, tells me I am trying too hard.
We recently moved from Los Angeles to the Lake Arrowhead Mountains. I have noticed that Arrowhead is the well-to-do area of the mountain. But the surrounding mountain townships are inhabited by poor people. At over 5,000 feet elevation, this place is a world all its own... inhabited by thick fog, woods, and coyotes. A main staple of this world is the lumber industry.
August 14th
Overheard local teens talking about an urban legend. Don't go in for urban legends much myself, but this one sounds intriguing. It plays into the old myths of back-masking (hidden backwards Satanic lyrics in Rock songs) and teen Devil worshippers using the backwoods as high altar to their rock, drug, and sex-fueled Black Masses.
I decide I'm going to incorporate elements of this urban legend into my screenplay. Sharlene and I have invested money in a high definition camera, sound equipment and a lighting package. We agreed that if I could come up with a story that could be shot extremely cheap, using our available resources, we would make a film.
August 17th
I wake up around 3:30am. A name has come to me. MATHALUH. Out of thin air. That is what the fictitious band in my movie will be called. I am too excited to go back to bed. More ideas hit me. I begin writing the prologue. The screenplay has officially begun.
Grace faces the undead.
Images courtesy of "The Black Album"

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