Friday, December 26, 2014


It seems that this is as true a thing as anything for horror fans. HORROR NEVER SLEEPS! 

Horror doesn't hibernate until Halloween, hiding in the shadows like a timid groundhog.  Even in a crazy season like this, when peace on earth, good will to man is the central theme.

For a true horror fan everyday is a good day to see a horror movie. Case in point, last night I watched a new release on Netflix, "RAGNAROK," a Spielbergian style action adventure/ horror film from Norway of all places. I enjoyed it and had my fix for the evening. It wasn't cheesy. The directing and the acting was very very good. It's PG-13, so not much gore. But a lot of fun.

Right about now, I'm tempted to surf the Web for a Santa Claus slasher film. You know, the ones where ole' Saint Nick takes a chainsaw or hatchet to a bunch of naughty college kids (oh what fun).

Or... if I'm in a really sickly sweet yuletide kinda mood tonight , I'll dig out "THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS." Or maybe some horror hi-jinx with Johnny Depp in the demented "ED WOOD."

Which brings me to "THE BLACK ALBUM: A HOLLYWOOD HORROR STORY," inspired by true events.  I'm pulling edited scenes from the original movie now to use in the documentary I'm producing with Beauregard Freidkin. I'm also trying to get ahold of some necessary stock footage. After that, I will track down the participants in the original movie and get interviews for the documentary.

There are a couple of things in the works for the new reboot movie that I'm excited about, but it's way too early for me to say anything yet.

Enjoy your holidays, grab a beer, get a scare. 

I know I will.

Footage courtesy of "THE BLACK ALBUM"
The scariest movie you'll never see.

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